Something I hate remembering.

Got home from school,
the usual thing, the usual rule.
I was planning to do my chinese homework,
deadline was until tomorrow.

Mom started to act weird,
shouting, shaking voice; something I feared.
It was like something happened.
this is not the usual thing in our house.

She got out,
she was worried; no doubt.
My friend texted me,
she saw my mom crying and police cars.

Mom got home,
I wanted to know what happened.
She told us something,
I felt my heart was ripped and everything.

My dad was killed,
saddness was filled.
That was the day I will never forget,
all the bad things I did, I regret.

I don't understand,
he's been a good man.
He was the greatest father anyone could ever have,
so jolly, even a clown for me.

I broke down for the first time,
I just felt like going back into time.
We planned so much,
but he left us.

Every night, I could just cry and pray,
that someday,
no more dad will be killed and they will surender.
Because what happened will mark in my head, forever.

Pa, I love you so much,
I'm sorry for all bad things i've done and such.
I haven't told you how much I love you when you were still here,
but everything's clear.

You're not coming back,
all our plans turned black.
You were such a good man, I promise.
Now, my life going to be suck-ish.

But as what you told us before,
"once you stop working,
you will start deteriorating."
So I won't stop working and will always be thinking.

I started this peom with barely good sense,
but what happened was really intense.
It happened so fast,
I just would like to forget the past.

- Bianca Isabela


Friday, November 5, 2010 @ 10:10 PM / 0 comments

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