Josiah David Garcia Montalan.

Also known as Zikki Montalan. A guy from Lasalle Greenhills in Manila, a junior and a candy cutie. A candy issue was released last September or October -ish, the candy cutie votes were in and a mini mag was inside the September ish. 40 plus guys were there, including Elmo. Quick fact: Elmo was one of the covers in the mini mag and he'll be in the January ish next year. whooopie! Okay, going back. Zikki, captured every fangirl in the candy fair last October. He wasn't that good looking, but, I SAID BUT. But the way he does his "stuff", idk how to call his stuff, k? and the way he makes every girl feel is like, haaah heaven. He doesn't know how to smile, so most pictures found at the candy fair with him was, well, wacky. Hahaha. His hair, yes, his sex hair. Definition of Sex Hair: (adj)describes unkempt, uncombed hairstyle made famous by actor Rob Pattinson and adored by women worldwide. Yeah so, I mean, ain't that awesome? :)))) I've never met him personally, yet. But I think he's a real nice guy, he's funny and really good to be with. He acts, btw :) He's one of the theatre people in their school, sorry ha, di ko kasi familiar yung ginagawa niya. Basta alam ko sumasali siya sa mga theatre acts and churva hahaha. Facts: Favorite number is 7 and favorite color is green, duh Lasalle. He has a Facebook account, and a Formspring, where I can communicate with him and where I'm secretly known as anonymous. HIHIHI. Yan pa lang alam ko so far.

I made this. And the day after, he made this as his profile picture in Facebook. But then changed it afterwards -.-



Friday, November 19, 2010 @ 10:12 PM / 0 comments

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