Elmo Stuff.

What do you like about Elmo?
  1. The way he sings.
  2. Style in clothing.
  3. Eyes.
  4. Lips.
  5. Voice.
  6. Laugh. uh, voice na ata yun. :)))
  7. The way he makes me feel.
  8. Pretty much everything for short.
How did you get know him?

Well, I knew him when I was watching Pilyang Kerubin. Yeah because Barbie is my idol and I watch all shows she's in. And luckily, Elmo was one of the teen casts in PK, so I started to like him and it continues until now. And I started lurking around sites and did the S thing. Hahahha, stalking hihi :> But i'm not that obssessed. K?

What things do you know about him?
This is going to be long but I will just cut it short, hahaha.

I know that his full name is Elmo Moses Arroyo-Magalona. Son of Francis "Kiko" Magalona and Pia Arroyo-Magalona. Has sibs namely; Unna, Maxx, Frank, Saab, Arkin and Clara and I think I missed one (idk). Birthdate is April 26, 1994, currently 16 years old. Birthplace is in Manila, Philippines. He's not studying as of now because he's focusing on his showbiz career but will soon go to college, so don't worry ;) He's going to UP Diliman, I think. Favorite color is, well, I kindda forgot but I think it's either blue or green haha. He used to wear braces for 2 years. He's been the cover of 2 albums of his father entitled as Free Man and Free Man 2. First tv appearance was in commercials and first soap is Pilyang Kerubin. He's a part of Party Pilipinas and Kaya ng Powers (as Gustin Powers). He's quite tall, idk his height though. He owns a lot of gadgets and knows how to skateboard. His phone is a Blackberry, but idk which kind. And right now, he's on Singapore having a vacation with his mom, saab, frank and others. He's also been a candy cutie in the Candy Magazine. Twitter is @SuperElmo and he also has a plurk account and a dailybooth account. He doesn't use his facebook that much because of his busy schedule.

Why do you like Elmo?

I like him because, first, he is awesome and handsome! He doesn't have to work hard to stand out because he, himself stands out with his looks and skills. Next is, he's so nice. Well, even though i've never met him personally, YET. I just know he's nice and I think he's a little silent around people. The way he smiles is like the sun shining so bright. Melting the ice cream hihi :> And lastly, is that he brought back Francis M. He is the today's Kiko. And because he's a teen and more teen girls/boys are now more appreciating the beauty of OPM songs, like me ;) hahaha. Yeah so, that's almost all.

Okay, I'm not obssessed. I just admire him so much that I would die just to see him. I really like him soooooooooo much. Hahaha!


Monday, November 8, 2010 @ 9:21 PM / 0 comments

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