Christmas Wishlist.

I smell something. It's not fishy. I smell Christmas :> Hahahha. So since Christmas is fast approaching, I'd share my wishlist. And i'm really hopeful to have these things. Or whatever they are. :) If Santa Claus could read this, dude, give me atleast 5 of it. K? Love you. Hahaha.

1. A polaroid camera.

2. Pumps. Hahaha yeah.

3. Clothes from F21.

4. Doc Martens.

5. A retweet from Elmo.
6. Meet Elmo.
7. Have a picture with Elmo.
8. Hug Elmo.
Uhhh, enough with Elmo. Please.

9. Meet Zikki Montalan in person :)
10. Hug Zikki.
11. Have a picture with Zikki.
12. Laugh with Zikki.
Again. Enough. k?

13. Meet, have a picture with, and talk to Tricia Gosingtian. :>

14. Go to Disney Land.

15. Mom's permission for me to wear contacts.
16. Contact Lenses. Hahaha.

17. New bag.
18. High-waisted shorts.

19. New phone.

20. SLR camera.

21. Go out of the country. Anywhere. Just away from here haha.
22. I want my hair back. I want it the way it used to be. :|
23. New life perhaps.
24. Make snowballs. Or I could just shave ice cubes and roll it into balls hahaha.
25. WORLD PEACE. =)))))) ;)


Saturday, November 20, 2010 @ 10:47 PM / 0 comments

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