Leavin' on a Jet Plane.

Srsly? I am. But not yet now. Oh God. Before, when we weren't yet sure if we're leaving, I wasn't scared at all. I was even excited. Now, that my mom's trying to work everything out just for us to move, uggghhh it's like going to another planet. I haven't thought of that before. All I wanted was to touch the snow, and stuff. How hard could this be? Leaving all my friends. Leaving all my hardships just to have a loyalist award in my school. Imagine, i've been studying there since nursery and I won't even finish highschool there. It's so sad to think about all those. But it's for the best anf for our safety. Bat ganon? Kami na nga ang nawalan, kami pa ang naghihirap ngayon. :( Oh well, this plan isn't confirmed yet. We'll wait for some approvals and stuff. Haaaay, I recently asked my friend who's now in New Jersey, what it feels to be in a new world. He said it was hard as a rock. He was shy there, but heeeey, he has friends there already! There were randoms who would walk up to him and talk. He would be sometimes dumbfounded. I know it wouldn't be hard for him, he's an honor student. But me? What could a person like me be in a new planet? I mean, i'm not an honor student, i even stutter when speaking in english. Especially in impromptu speeches in English.

Would i fit in there? Would people there like me? Would I find new friends? I know it would be hard at first but who knows? It might even get harder as time pass by. I might be the schools loser. :( I hope not. But on the bright side, my fashion skills could actually fit in there. Since here in Davao, just wearing high heels or pumps in malls, you would look like a walking maniquin. But there, you look just like any other person. Ohhhh, I hope my life would go back to normal, like before. It hasn't been normal since my dad passed away. I want to feel happiness again, I want to feel that I am stronger than before.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 @ 2:59 PM / 0 comments

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