Candy Fair.

Why do you call it fair when you only have it in Manila? It should be Candy Unfair. Get it? Haha yehhh. I wanna go to Manila tomorrow. It feels so sad not to be there while die-hard Candy Cuties fans are gonna be there. I feel so incomplete. I feel like missing a part of my life. If only someone would send me a plane ticket to Manila, pronto, i would love you forever. Well, not really :)))) Urgh! Lord give me wings, even for just one day. Or please make the Candy Editors think that some fans are far away from Manila and will die just to be there. HAHAHAHA K OA NA. But srsly, they should have a Candy Fair here in Davao. And the Candy Cuties SHOULD BE THERE. Hahah, no i mean it :| Or atleast Elmo. ELMO ELMO ELMO, you've been in my head for days because of this event. If you could only hear me (or read this post) huuuuuh :)

Tsk, even if i have a plane ticket tomorrow, i won't be able to go anyway. I have my cheerdance practice, HUUUR -.- which btw is very tiring. but fun. "buy me a plane ticket to Manila"  I've been ranting this to my friends, hahahha :) Av even GM-ed that i need a plane ticket. Yeah k sooooo, i still want to go.

Friday, October 1, 2010 @ 6:54 PM / 0 comments

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