Garage Sale.

*just a quick post* yeah so, we had a garage sale. Just for today. We've been doing this for years but the last time we did this was 5 or so years ago. It was really fuuuuun! Selling stuff to your neighbors, hahaha. Almost everything was sold, even the 2 aircons and the double-deck bed! Amazing :)))) We had to do this so our things won't be crowded inside. And since my mom's going away, we have to unload clothes from the cabinets. 'twas really fun, we started at 8am and until now it's still going on. The highest price was P100 and the lowest? - ONE PESO. Such a discount! Most of the clothes were vintage and most of them went away. Good thing.
Sunday, September 19, 2010 @ 11:46 AM / 0 comments

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